5 Ways to Guarantee Meta Ads ROAS this Black Friday

5 Ways to Guarantee Meta Ads ROAS this Black Friday

Economic insecurity, privacy restrictions, and inflation have all changed the game since Black Friday 2022 - is your Meta marketing strategy up to speed?

Some fast facts:

Now is the time to nail down an effective Meta marketing strategy – Keep reading for some tips and tricks from the digital marketing specialists at <imajery>.

Analyze last year’s tactics

First order of business when thinking about Black Friday 2023, is to investigate Black Friday 2022. Most digital marketing specialists would agree the best blueprint for success will be informed by previous data. 

Utilize several sources to ensure your review is comprehensive (such as Google Analytics 4, Meta platform data, and sales data from your client).  Identify exactly what worked and tailor your tactics accordingly to 2023 trends, drop experimental tactics that didn’t pay off in revenue and ROAS.


Marketing trends exist for a reason - become a spy and discover what other Facebook ad agencies got up to last year during Q3 & Q4.

A powerful tool to give insight into other Facebook ad agencies' tactics can be found in the Meta Ads Library.  Through this tool, you can search for any competitor and see ads they ran during a specified time period - we love some corporate transparency!

Meta Ad Library
Meta Ad Library

Creative is king on Meta and will be an integral part of any successful Black Friday marketing strategy. Comb through less travelled sources to spark creativity. Check out blogs, PPC groups on Facebook, and my personal favourite - Reddit!

Lean on Native Facebook Audiences

Apple introduced several privacy measures in 2022 with the rollout of ios14, several of which directly impact digital marketing. Facebook Ad agencies must adapt their data collection technology to these measures using server-side tracking, but audience creation is similarly impacted.

Any audience requiring Pixel data will be smaller due to opt-out tracking on Apple devices, resulting in higher CPMs on Meta.  Instead, circumvent the Pixel entirely and use audiences native to Facebook, such as Page Engagers, Post Engagers, and Video Viewers. Users viewing 50-100% of a video on your page are similarly (if not more!) valuable to retarget during sale periods.  Check out <imajery>’s digital marketing specialist's favourite Meta Ads audiences for further inspiration! 

Adding Page Engagers and Post Engagers audiences to a lead generation Remarketing campaign resulted in a -58% reduction in cost per lead over a 2-month period for one of our clients.

Advertise Like People Shop

"Purchase Journey" is the new buzzword amongst digital marketing specialists, and for good reason.  An average number of 8 touchpoints before a purchase is thrown around, but this average for your client depends on several factors. Price, competition, and physical attributes (colour, size) can impact how much research potential clients do before deciding to purchase – We as marketers need to take advantage of the opportunity to tailor Black Friday 2023 advertising accordingly.

Marketing Funnel (source: Conceptdraw.com)
Marketing Funnel (source: Conceptdraw.com)

To encourage users to ultimately choose your brand, ensure your funnel structure is strong.  Provide different messaging to users at each funnel stage - Awareness, Consideration, and Intent to Purchase. Start targeting wide with informative messaging about your brand. Retarget to users who have seen the awareness ads with more selling propositions, and then close the deal with an offer too good to pass up!


You are now equipped to drive revenue this Black Friday 2023! Use valuable data from your account and the Meta Ads Library resource to your advantage. Update tracking & audience targeting to align with current industry standards and craft a well-targeted funnel. 

Don't wait, implement these tips and boost your ROAS this Black Friday.

For more marketing tips, follow us on Instagram.

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