In 2016, a new video social media platform launched and its growth has yet to plateau. Today, TikTok has over 2 billion downloads & 1 billion monthly active users.
Instagram and Facebook have become saturated and it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow and reach new users. Looking for new platforms is a great way to expand, reach new audiences, and stand out from the competition. Many companies are finding success on TikTok due to its creative and authentic nature. The algorithm also offers great exposure which is essential for generating brand awareness.
Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider including TikTok in your social arsenal, and some tips on how to get started.
Step 1: Create your account
First things first, download the app and create an account. It will be a personal account by default so make sure to switch it to professional. This will get you better insights on performance and your audience.
Some best practices when setting up your brand or company’s profile include:
- Using your logo as the profile image
- Having a recognizable username (preferably the same one you use on other platforms)
- Having a clear and concise bio describing who you are and why people should follow you.
Step 2: Get Comfortable with the Platform
It's important to understand how TikTok, a video platform, is different from photo-based apps. Create a profile, follow accounts and hashtags in your industry, and see what they are doing.
Take note of transitions, video styles, sounds, and captions that are being used or catching your attention. Use this research as inspiration for what you can do with your own account.
Step 3: Determine Your Goals
Before you start posting, don’t forget to set specific goals for this new platform. This could include (but is not limited to) growing brand awareness, educating your target audience, or increasing sales.
At <imajery> we believe data is the key to success. Make sure to set specific and measurable KPIs to track your progress.
Step 4: Plan your content
Once you’ve set your targets, start brainstorming and planning content. Consider what will align with your brand and goals. It is also important to think about what your desired audience would like to see. What pain points are they struggling with? What questions might they have that you can answer?
Step 5: Show Up Consistently.
It's time to start posting! Since consistency is key, it’s imperative to create a schedule; start batch creating, and schedule your content to make sure you are prepared.
Continue to post regularly, and remember that it takes time to grow your following on a new platform. Don’t get discouraged.
Marketing Coordinator
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